If today you “identify” as a male but were born with the ability to bear children, you are not a male. Period. This “gender fluidity,” thing that is so trendy right now, is a problem, but not one with which I wish to work. It is wishy-washy and lacking commitment. If you ascribe to such beliefs, I can do nothing for you. There are plenty of therapists in the US who apparently specialize in this nonsense and will coddle and encourage your mental illness. We’re all confused. Don’t try to turn that into a lifestyle that everyone must agree and support. Realize that this is a calculated diversion from the real problems we face.
However, if you have truly made the commitment and transitioned from female to male, that it another thing entirely. I can work with you and help you. Commitment is extremely important to the efficacy of therapy and in life; perhaps the most important.
I will also treat Lesbians, as I feel that they align with something in me and possess a man-like quality. Anyway, I have always gotten along well with Lesbians.
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They didn't even use a question mark there. Don't buy into their shit.
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