Dr. Antonio Primavera: Counseling Psychotherapist for Men

Psychotherapy for Men in English
Psychotherapy for Men in English
Insanity: A perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.
Madness need not be all breakdown. It may also be break-through. It is potential liberation and renewal as well as enslavement and existential death.
There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid pain.
I am an English and Spanish speaking American counseling psychotherapist and a graduate of Harvard University. My psychotherapeutic training includes Counseling Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy, Cybernetic/ Systems, Narrative Therapy, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, and Transpersonal/Integral Psychology.
I live and practice in Mexico City...and around the world.
Let Us Begin and End with Honesty and Authenticity!
These are confusing times for many people. Men (young or old, boys) are often confused about what it means to be a man in today’s world. We are told to be passive because of our “toxicity,” and then find that we cannot attract a partner or even have sex…because we have become passive. At the same time, we are punished for being aggressive or assertive. There are so many mixed messages coming from every direction that it leads to confusion and frustration. There is no shame in being a man; quite the contrary. Being a man can be quite a fulfilling adventure and I would like to be there to support you in being a man or searching therefore.
I will only accept male patients (of any age).
Gay men are more than welcome. While I am straight and married, most of my male friends have always been gay men. What more is there to say? WELCOME!
I will also treat Lesbians, as I feel that they align with something in me and possess a man-like quality. Anyway, I have always gotten along well with Lesbians.
This is nothing to do with politics or misogyny; not at all. I just know my practice, like a surgeon specializing in asses. Any other questions? Check the section called "Gender."
I will start off by saying that I am not a typical, by-the-book therapist/ counselor. My methods are considred strange and unorthodox by many traditional shrinks, though my methods yeild results. My approach to psychotherapy is not "one-size-fits-all." I realize that every man is unique and different, so my way of working depends on the person and their needs and concerns at the moment and throughout life. In this way, therapy is tailored to accommodate the specific needs of the man with whom I am working.
Following Jung, I mostly work in therapeutic conversations. Often, this is a chat over coffee about the mundane things of your day or week. But it is always more than that. This helps me to see you and who you are, what your needs and desires are; certainly more than you telling them to me. People seldom know their selves. Sometimes people just need to talk and feel a connection, to feel heard. And in that alone there is healing and growth. Because the answers to all your problems lie within you. I am just here to help you get to that.
I am also a researcher and community volunteer, and so spend a lot of time practicing pro bono at a low-cost community mental health clinic in Barrio Tepito of Mexico City. I believe that psychotherapy should be accessible to all. So, after covering the basic cost of providing psychotherapy to you, any additional payment goes a long way to helping me to provide therapy to people who would otherwise be unable to afford it.
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